Sunday, November 24, 2013

12 Days of Kindness in December

When I asked people on my Fit & Healthy Family Facebook page what they might like to see in my December Newsletter, I loved the response I received!  One of the suggestions, by my good friend Lauren, was to do a 12 Days/Acts of Kindness (like the 12 Days of Christmas).  

This resonated with me because I am always posting and sharing about the benefit of Random Acts of Kindness both by the recipients, but also by the people performing the acts.  Doing good deeds - genuinely, from the heart - for people has been proven to reduce stress, alleviate depression, improve energy and happiness and can also positively impact fitness & nutrition as the result of an elevated emotional state of awareness.

I plan on starting my 12 days on December 8th, my 37th birthday.  What better way to celebrate my birthday than by starting this Kindness Campaign?

I came up with a list of some kind deeds as a suggestion for anyone who'd like to participate.  What would you add to this list?

Please comment below and share your thoughts!

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Random Acts of Kindness:
~ Hold doors for people when you're out and about.
~ Help an elderly person load their groceries into their car.
~ Greet everyone you see with eye contact and a genuine smile.
~ Make hot cocoa and bring it to people who work outside.
~ Pay for person behind you in the drive-thru or in line at the coffee shop.
~ Buy extra non-perishables and donate to your local food bank or church.
~ Make and deliver a meal for a friend who is sick or alone.
~ Send 3 handwritten thank you notes to people or businesses.
~ Donate a toy for a local children's Christmas gift collection or hospital.
~ Shovel snow for a neighbor.
~ Allow cars to merge or enter traffic in busy areas like shopping centers or give up the parking spot you were going to pull into.
~ Give 3 genuine compliments to people you see.
~ Call someone you haven't talked to in awhile and let them know you've been thinking about them.
~ Bake cookies for a friend or neighbor.

Random Acts of Kindness for Children:
(my daughters helped come up with some of these)
~ Have your child pick out a toy to purchase and donate to a holiday toy collection.
~ Bake & decorate cookies for friends or neighbors.
~ Color & decorate holiday cards for a local senior center.
~ Color pictures for family members.
~ Make crafts and give them to friends.
~ Help someone who has gotten hurt.
~ Say good morning to teachers, school staff and classmates.
~ Allow a friend to get in line in front of you.
~ Write a thank you note to someone who has positively impacted you (teacher, coach, neighbor, babysitter, etc).
~ Help with household chores without being asked.
~ Go through your toys and put aside anything that you can donate to children in need
~ Smile at people!
~ Say please and thank you to people who help you.
~ Tell your friends how much they mean to you.
~ Invite a friend over for a play date
~ If a child is sitting alone at lunch, invite them to sit with you and your friends.
~ Offer to help mom and dad wrap Christmas presents

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